Log Cabin KAL

"Give me land, lots of land - covered in garter stitch." -Kay Gardiner and Ann Shayne

Monday, May 29, 2006


I'm tyring to figure out how to put together my Log Cabin....to see the options, go here and help me out!


Blogger String Bean said...

I like the first one with the black in the middle. The second color (terra cotta) is a yuck color and the magenta color doesn't go with the other colors very well.

4:36 PM  
Blogger Abigale said...

I commented on your blog as well - but I vote for the black in the middle too - black does amazing thigns with the colors around it - the great unifier. Have fun with it!

Oh, and I am so with you on the $40 order at Knitpicks - and really not needing more than $10 of yarn. It's just bad - good for you on your restraint!!


11:07 PM  

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