Log Cabin KAL

"Give me land, lots of land - covered in garter stitch." -Kay Gardiner and Ann Shayne

Sunday, July 16, 2006

My Log Cabin Progress

I've actually completed a few more bars than this picture would show, but my camera is packed. I'll update soon. I have four rows of bars finished, and I think I can call it quits at six--it'll be baby blanket size then, and that's the whole point of it. I'm doing it in a million colors of KnitPicks Wool of the Andes...I WAY overbought yarn for this project. I'll be making felted bags for years to come. The WotA is inexpensive, but rough, so we'll see how well it turns out. I do love the colors though!


Blogger Tara said...

looks good! I'm interested in how the WOTA softens up after washing?

1:33 PM  

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